Sunday, November 25, 2012

Storage Containers

With 3 little girls wandering around the house and building their curiosity I really needed a way to contain all the kid "stuff".  Here was my low cost solution:

1. Scissors
2. Cardboard box
3. Wrapping paper & tape OR Contact paper
4. Box cutter (if you have one, otherwise scissors will do)

I used different size cardboard boxes, according to what items I needed to contain.  First I figured out where I wanted the opening & cut that part off of the box with a box cutter or scissors.  Second I wrapped the outside in wrapping paper for decoration.  You could also use contact paper, this would be great because it is already sticky.  I used all the same wrapping paper so that even though my boxes are different sizes, all of them together would have look cohesive.  Also, I labeled the boxes after wrapping them, but obviously this is not a necessity.  My daughter was 4 when I made these & she was starting to read, so it was fun for her to have simple words around her to practice.  

For the handles on the Diaper's check this out!

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