About Me

We moved our little family to Thailand in October of 2011 for my husband to attend the TESOL (Teach English to Speakers of Other Lanugages) Master's program at Payap University in Chiang Mai.  

Even though I had done quite a bit of world traveling on my own; 2 years in Germany, 1 year in Cyprus, short term visits to Uganda, Egypt, Pakistan, and England.  Right away I found out that this would be much different with a family!  Growing up my mom was a single working mother, so we did a lot of "easy" foods for dinners.  As I found out later in life, this was not because my mom didn't know how to cook from scratch...she just didn't have the time to actually do cooking from scratch or teach me.

Moving overseas with a family has forced me to learn a new way of life from the kitchen to decorating to organizing, and hopefully someone else (in the same situation or with more at their fingertips) might learn how to live a little less wasteful from what I have to share about 
Creating Life from Scratch!

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